Floor Reflection in Adobe After Effects

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Learn how to add stunning floor reflection in Adobe After Effects with this step-by-step tutorial! Floor Reflection is mostly used in After Effects to create an amazing floor using a single layer and an effect. Whether you’re working on motion graphics, product showcases, or visual effects, mastering floor reflections can take your projects to the next level.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Floor Reflection in After Effects

Step 1: Setting Up Your Composition

  1. Open Adobe After Effects and create a new composition named “Floor Reflection.”
  2. Set the resolution to 1920×1080 pixels, frame rate to 30 frames per second, and duration to 7 seconds.

Step 2: Importing Assets

  1. In the File menu, choose “Import” and add the “Floor Reflection Texture” and “Animated Text Footage.”

Step 3: Creating Text Animation

  1. Drag and drop the “Text Footage” into the main composition.
  2. Right-click on the footage and select “Pre-compose.” Rename it “Text Animation.”

Step 4: Adding Depth to Text

  1. Duplicate the “Text Animation” composition using Ctrl + D (or Command + D on Mac).
  2. Select the bottom layer, activate the 3D option, and open rotation properties with the “R” key.
  3. Rotate the X-axis by 180 degrees.
  4. Press “P” to access position properties and adjust the text’s position as desired.

Step 5: Creating the Floor

  1. Create a new composition named “Floor” from the Composition menu.
  2. Drag the “Texture Image” onto the composition.
  3. Use the “S” key to access scale properties and decrease the scale to 50%.

Step 6: Applying the Texture Effect

  1. Select the “Texture Image” layer, go to Effects & Presets, and search for “Motion Tile.”
  2. Apply the effect, setting output width and height to 500, and enable mirror edges.

Step 7: Pre-composing the Floor Texture

  1. Right-click the texture image, choose “Pre-compose,” and rename it “Floor Texture.”
  2. Enable the 3D option for the new composition.

Step 8: Adjusting Floor Texture

  1. Keep the “Floor Texture” layer selected and access rotation properties with the “R” key.
  2. Rotate the X-axis by -90 degrees.
  3. Adjust the Y position to your preference.

Step 9: Enhancing Floor Texture

  1. Apply the “Motion Tile” effect once more to the “Floor Texture” composition.
  2. Set output width and height to 500 and enable mirror edges.
  3. Create a new camera layer from the Layer menu.

Step 10: Setting Camera Position

  1. Select the camera layer, press “P” for position properties, and set a keyframe.
  2. Move to the last frame and adjust the camera position as desired.

Step 11: Combining Elements

  1. Return to the main composition.
  2. Place the “Floor Composition” below the text compositions and hide the floor layer.
  3. Create a new adjustment layer from the File menu and place it between the text layers.
  4. Rename the adjustment layer to “Compound Blur.”

Step 12: Adding a Blur Effect

  1. Search for “Compound Blur” in Effects & Presets and apply it to the adjustment layer.
  2. Set the blur map to “Floor” and adjust the maximum blur value to 100.

Congratulations! Your professional-looking Floor Reflection effect is now complete.

Project File Details:

UpdatedSeptember 16, 2024
CompatibilityAfter Effects CC
Required PluginNo
Size4.67 MB