Gold Particles Logo Reveal in After Effects

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In this tutorial, you will learn to create a nice looking gold particle logo reveal in After Effects without using third-party plugins. Follow along to make your logo shine with a stunning particle effect!

We’ll start by setting up our composition and importing the logo. Then, we’ll create and animate the particles using built-in After Effects tools. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a professional and eye-catching gold particle logo reveal to enhance your projects. You might also be interested in this tutorial on Luxury Gold logo animation in After Effects.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Gold Particles Logo Reveal:

Step 1: Create a New Composition

  1. Open Adobe After Effects.
  2. Create a New Composition:
    • Name it “Gold Particles Logo Reveal”.
    • Set the duration to 10 seconds with your preferred resolution and frame rate.

Step 2: Import and Set Up Logo

  1. Import Files:
    • Import the logo and reflection map.
  2. Add Logo to Composition:
    • Drag and drop the logo into the main composition.
    • Press S to open scale properties and adjust the logo scale if needed.
  3. Pre-compose Logo Layer:
    • Right-click on the logo layer and select “Pre-compose”.
    • Name it “Logo Comp” and move all attributes into the new composition.

Step 3: Set Up Reflection Map

  1. Add Reflection Map:
    • Drag and drop the reflection map below the logo layer.
    • Hide the logo layer temporarily.
  2. Adjust Reflection Map Scale:
    • Select the reflection map layer and press S to open scale properties.
    • Reduce the scale to 60%.
  3. Apply Motion Tile Effect:
    • Go to Effects & Presets and apply the Motion Tile effect.
    • Set the output width and height to 800 and select “Mirror Edges”.
  4. Animate Reflection Map:
    • Ensure the time cursor is at the first frame and add a keyframe on the Tile Center.
    • Move to the last frame and change the X value to 2000.
    • Select both keyframes and press F9 to Easy Ease them.
    • Preview the animation.

Step 4: Pre-compose and Apply Effects

  1. Pre-compose Reflection Map Layer:
    • Right-click on the reflection map layer and choose “Pre-compose”.
    • Name it “Reflection Map”.
  2. Unhide Logo Comp:
    • Unhide the logo comp and set the Track Matte to Alpha Matte.

Step 5: Add Effects to the Reflection Map

  1. Apply CC Glass Effect:
    • Select the reflection map composition.
    • Apply the CC Glass effect and set the bump map to Logo Comp.
    • Adjust properties: Lightness (Surface), Softness (45), Height (-45), Displacement (-150).
  2. Apply CC Blobbylize Effect:
    • Apply the CC Blobbylize effect.
    • Set the Blob layer to Logo Comp and property to Alpha.
    • Adjust properties: Softness (3), Cut Away (5), Light Type (Point Light).
  3. Apply Sharpen Effect:
    • Apply the Sharpen effect and set the sharpen amount to 10.

Step 6: Adjust Colors

  1. Create Adjustment Layer:
    • Right-click and create an adjustment layer.
    • Apply the Curves effect.
  2. Adjust Color Channels:
    • Modify the Red, Green, and Blue channels until achieving a realistic gold color.
    • Preview the changes.

Step 7: Add Particle Footage

  1. Import Particle Footages:
    • Import the required particle footage.
    • Drag and drop them above the Gold Build layer.
    • Adjust scale to 120%.
  2. Offset Particle Layers:
    • Offset the start times of the particle layers.
    • Apply the Sharpen effect with a value of 150.
    • Set blending mode to Add for all particle layers.

Step 8: Final Touches

  1. Add Linear Wipe Effect:
    • Right-click on the Gold Build layer, apply the Linear Wipe effect.
    • Set angle to -90 degrees, and animate the transition completion from 100% to 0%.
    • Set feather amount to 150.
  2. Create and Animate Lens Flare:
    • Create a solid layer named “Lens Flare” and place it below all layers.
    • Apply the Lens Flare effect, set the lens type to 105mm Prime.
    • Adjust position and add Hue & Saturation effect with colorize option.
    • Animate the flare brightness using the expression wiggle(2,3).
  3. Animate Opacity for Lens Flare:
    • Add keyframes to animate the opacity from 0% to 100%.
  4. Fade In Black Layer:
    • Create a black solid layer and position it at 6 seconds and 15 frames.
    • Animate opacity from 0% to 100% to fade in.

Step 9: Preview and Finalize

  1. Adjust Work Area:
    • Move the work area to 8 seconds.
  2. Preview Final Output.

Project File Details:

UpdatedSeptember 19, 2024
CompatibilityAfter Effects CC
Required PluginNo
Size28 MB