Create a Burning Text Animation in After Effects

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Begin the magic of our Burning Text Animation in After Effects! Imagine your words turning into bright, dancing flames on the screen. With this special animation made in After Effects, it’s like your Text is on fire!

It’s a cool way to make your words look exciting and eye-catching. Even if you’re just starting with animations, you can easily use this effect to add a spark to your projects. See your letters and words light up with fiery energy, making them stand out in a super cool way. Whether you’re making videos or just having fun with design, this simple After Effects animation makes your text look awesome. Try it out and watch your words come alive with the power of fire and creativity!

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Burning Text Animation:

Part 1: Creating Burn Text Animation Composition

  1. New Composition Setup
    • Open Adobe After Effects and create a new composition named “Burn Text Animation” with the same settings.
  2. Text Layer Setup
    • Use the Type tool to add text.
    • Right-click on the Text Layer and choose pre-compose, naming it “Transition.”
    • Double-click on “Transition,” then pre-compose the Text layer again, naming it “Text or Logo.”
  3. Burn Film Layer
    • Create a Solid Layer named “Burn Film” and set the color to white.
    • Apply the CC Burn Film effect to the “Burn Film” layer.
    • Add keyframes for Burn at 15 frames and 8 seconds, changing the value to 75.
  4. Text and Burn Film Integration
    • Change text layer blending mode from ‘Normal’ to ‘Overlay.’
    • Add a solid composite layer to fix the white color.
  5. Text Layer Effects
    • Apply the Gaussian Blur effect with blurriness set to 40.
    • Apply the Hue and Saturation effect with master saturation at -100.
  6. Fractal Noise Layer
    • Create a Solid Layer named “Fractal Noise” below the text layer.
    • Apply the Fractal Noise effect, changing the blending mode to Overlay.
  7. Adjustment Layer
    • Create an adjustment layer.
    • Apply Brightness and Contrast effect with contrast at 99 (Use the Legacy option).
  8. Scaling and Positioning
    • Scale the Burn Film layer to 175%.
    • Adjust position (X: 375, Y: 515).

Part 2: Enhancing Burn Effect

  1. Background Layer
    • In Burn Text Animation composition, create a background layer named “background” (color: black).
  2. Burn Effect Composition
    • Rename the “Transition” layer to “Burn Effect.”
    • Change the blending mode to Linear Burn.
  3. Effects on Burn Effect Layer
    • Apply the Fast Box Blur effect with a radius of 30.
    • Apply Levels effect (Gamma: 0.65).
    • Apply Hue and Saturation effect (Colorize: 30, Saturation: 15, Lightness: 15).
  4. Text Layer Matte
    • Apply the Set Matte effect to the text layer.
    • Set Take Matte from layer to “Burn Effect” and use matte for Luminance.
  5. Fire Edges Composition
    • Drag and drop the “Transition” composition, and rename it to “Fire Edges.”
    • Apply Invert effect.
    • Apply Turbulent Displace effect (Size: 25).
    • Apply CC Composite effect (Composite Original: Multiply).
    • Change the blending mode to Add.
    • Apply Fractal Noise effect (Contrast: 200, Brightness: -20).
    • Apply Set Matte effect (Matte from layer: Text or Logo).
  6. Color Adjustment and Glow
    • Apply Tritone effect (Highlights: Yellow, Mid-tone: Orange).
    • Apply the Glow effect (Radius: 50, Intensity: 3), and duplicate the glow effect.

Part 3: Adding Realism with Sparks

  1. Sparks Composition
    • Drag and drop the “Transition” composition, and rename it to “Sparks.”
    • Change the blending mode to Screen.
    • Apply CC Wide Time effect (Forward Steps: 0, Backward Steps: 60).
    • Apply Solid Composite effect (Color: black).
    • Apply Fractal Noise effect (Contrast: 220, Brightness: -90, Scale: 40, Opacity: 50%, Blending Mode: Multiply).
    • Apply Brightness and Contrast effect (Contrast: 100, Use Legacy option).
    • Duplicate the Fractal Noise effect with different settings.
    • Apply Turbulent Displace effect (Size: 50).
  2. Expression and Matte Effects
    • Add expressions for offset and evolution in Turbulent Displace.
    • Apply Set Matte effect (Matte from layer: Text or Logo) and duplicate, changing the matte layer to “Burn Effect” with Invert Matte selected.
  3. Color and Glow Finishing
    • Apply Tritone effect (Highlights: Yellow, Mid-tone: Orange).
    • Apply the Glow effect (Radius: 50, Intensity: 3), and duplicate the glow effect.

Final Steps: Reverse Animation

  • Create a new composition named “Reverse Animation.”
  • Drag and drop “Burn Text Animation” and choose “Time-Reverse Layer” under “Time” in the right-click menu.

Congratulations, you’ve created a stunning burn text animation in Adobe After Effects! Feel free to explore and modify to suit your creative vision.

Project File Details:

UpdatedSeptember 16, 2024
CompatibilityAfter Effects CC
Required PluginNo
Size4.64 MB