Twinkling Stars Night Sky in Adobe After Effects

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Create Twinkling Stars Animation in Adobe After Effects. In this tutorial, you will learn to create a Twinkling Stars animation in After Effects without using any third-party plugins. We are going to create a beautiful animated night sky from scratch. After watching this tutorial you will easily create your own Twinkling Stars animation in After Effects. You can also render it to a transparent background if you want. You might also be interested in this tutorial on Realistic 3D Spinning Earth Animation in After Effects.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Twinkling Stars Night Sky:

Step 1: Launching Adobe After Effects and Creating a Composition

  1. Open Adobe After Effects.
  2. Navigate to the Composition menu and start a new composition.
  3. Rename it to “Twinkling Stars” or pick a name you prefer.
  4. Set the resolution to 1920×1080 Pixels, frame rate to 30 frames per second, and duration to 20 seconds.

Step 2: Preparing the Background

  1. Go to the Layers Menu > New > Choose a solid layer.
  2. Rename the solid layer to “Background.”

Step 3: Adding the Gradient Ramp Effect

  1. Access Effects and Presets.
  2. Search for the “Gradient Ramp” effect.
  3. Apply the gradient ramp effect to the Solid layer.
  4. Modify the second color to dark blue (#26007C), leaving the first color as black.

Step 4: Introducing Twinkling Stars

  1. Create a new solid layer and name it “Stars” or choose another name.
  2. Explore Effects and Presets.
  3. Search for the “CC Particle World” effect.
  4. Apply the CC Particle World effect to the layer.

CC Particle World Settings:

  • Set the birth rate to 3.
  • Adjust Longevity to 5.
  • Under Physics, set gravity to 0.
  • For Particles, choose “Star” as the particle type.
  • Change birth and death colors to white.
  • Modify birth size to 0.050 and death size to 0.135.
  • Set Max opacity to 25%.
  • Adjust velocity to 0.
  • Change radius X and Radius Y to 1.

Step 5: Rendering Your Creation

  1. Select the Twinkling Stars composition.
  2. Navigate to the Composition menu and choose “Add to Render Queue.”
  3. Click on the Lossless setting.
  4. Change the Format to QuickTime.
  5. Set the channels to RGB+Alpha.

Congratulations! Your splendid Twinkling Stars Animation in After Effects is now complete

Project File Details:

UpdatedSeptember 16, 2024
CompatibilityAfter Effects CC
Required PluginNo
Size29 KB