Wave Text Animation in Adobe After Effects

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Create a nice-looking wave text animation in Adobe After Effects. In this tutorial, you will learn to create a wave text animation without any third-party plugins or expressions. After watching this tutorial, you will be able to create your wave text animation in Adobe After Effects. You will also learn to create a loop animation, Sequence layers, and break up text into separate layers with a small script. You might also be interested in this tutorial on Falling letters Text Animation in After Effects.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Wave Text Animation:

Step 1: Create a Composition

  1. Open Adobe After Effects.
  2. Create a new composition named “Wave Text Animation.”
  3. Set the resolution to 1920×1080 pixels, frame rate to 30 frames per second, and duration to 10 seconds.

Step 2: Add Text

  1. Select the Type Tool from the toolbar.
  2. Click anywhere on the screen and type your desired text using your chosen font (e.g., Ranchers font from Google Fonts).

Step 3: Center Anchor Point

  1. Right-click on the text layer.
  2. Go to Transform and click “Center Anchor Point.”
  3. Align your text to the center of the composition.

Step 4: Decompose Text

  1. Select the text layer.
  2. Go to the Window menu and choose “Decompose Text.”
  3. Select “Characters” and click the “Decompose” button. This creates a separate layer for each letter.
  4. Select all layers and press “U” to reveal keyframes.

Step 5: Create Animation

  1. Drag all layers to the bottom of the screen.
  2. Press “P” to open position properties and add a keyframe.
  3. Go 1 second forward and change the letters’ position.
  4. Select all keyframes, right-click, go to Keyframe Assistant, and choose “Easy Ease.”
  5. Go to the graph editor and adjust the graph slightly for smoother animation.

Step 6: Apply Looping Expression

  1. Select the first letter’s layer.
  2. Press “P” to open position properties.
  3. Hold the Alt key and click the stopwatch icon to add an expression. Type: loopOut("pingpong").
  4. Right-click on Position and choose “Copy Expression Only.”
  5. Select the remaining layers and press Ctrl + V to paste the same expression.

Step 7: Sequence Layers

  1. Go to 2 frames forward.
  2. Select all layers and press Alt + “]”.
  3. Right-click on all layers, go to Keyframe Assistant, and choose “Sequence Layers.” Confirm the settings.

Step 8: Add Fill Effect for Color Variation

  1. Pre-compose all layers (right-click > Pre-compose). Duplicate the pre-comp layer.
  2. Go to Effects & Presets and search for the “Fill” effect. Apply it to the first layer and change the color.
  3. Apply the “Fill” effect to the second layer and change the color. Repeat for 2-3 more layers.

Step 9: Adjust Layer Timing

  1. Select the top layer and remove the Fill effect.
  2. Select all layers and drag them to start from the first frame.
  3. Right-click on all layers, go to Keyframe Assistant, and choose “Sequence Layers.” Extend the timing.

Step 10: Create a Perfect Loop

  1. Select the work area from 1.27 seconds to 7.27 seconds.
  2. Right-click on the work area and choose “Trim Comp to Work Area.”

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created a mesmerizing Wave Text Animation in Adobe After Effects. This tutorial takes you through the process of animating individual letters in a wave-like motion, creating color variation, and achieving a seamless loop effect. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out.

Project File Details:

UpdatedSeptember 16, 2024
CompatibilityAfter Effects CC
Required PluginNo
Download ScriptDecompose Text Script
Size101 KB